Abk. | Erklärung |
3n | nie, niemals, nirgendwo |
adAadS | aus den Augen aus dem Sinn |
aGa | aus gegebenen Anlaß |
As | Ansichtssache |
bb | bye bye |
BbB | Bis bald Baby |
bd | bis dann |
BF | Blödfrau |
bg | bis gestern |
biepM | bis in ein paar Monaten |
bhb | bis hoffentlich bald |
bl | bitte lächeln |
BM | Blödmann |
bm | bis morgen |
bs | bis später |
buem | bis übermorgen |
bwai | bis wann auch immer |
bznFt | bis zum nächsten Friseurtermin |
DbeL | Du bist ein Lügner |
DK | Dummkopf |
dg | dumm gelaufen |
Dn | DU nervst |
dnf | da nicht für |
eidU | erwarte immer das Unmögliche |
F? | Freunde ? |
FiB | Flugzeuge im Bauch |
VV | Viel Vergnügen |
FoF | Freund oder Feind |
FW | Frohe Weihnachten |
GB! | Genau, Baby! |
giE | ganz im Ernst |
gngn | "geht nicht" gib's nicht |
GR | Guten Rutsch |
GuK | Gruß und Kuß |
gzT | geh' zum Teufel! |
HaSh | Hand auf Stirn haut (von mic am 2.6.02 erfunden :-) |
hd | halte durch |
hddMa | heul doch den Mond an |
iAmiDn | im Augenblick mag ich dich noch |
Ibnb | Ich bin nicht blöd! |
iha | ich H A S S E Abkürzungen |
isDinL | ich sehe Dich im nächsten Leben |
iim | irren ist männlich |
iwbDgb | ich warte bis Du groß bist |
jon | jetzt oder nie |
kg | komme gleich wieder |
kK | kein Kommentar |
KK | Krach und Kaos |
KoZ | Kopf oder Zahl? |
kSf | können Schweine fliegen |
kv | kannste vergessen |
kw | kann weg |
ldvH | lies das verdammte Handbuch |
lG | liebe Grüße |
lmiF | laß mich in Frieden |
ltab | lieber tot als blöd |
LZ | Lebenszeichen |
mfG | mit freundlichen Grüßen |
mWn | meines Wissens nach |
nn | nichts Neues |
PP | persönliches Pech |
QG | Quälgeist |
QK | Quatschkopf |
rfdI | reif für die Insel |
RK | Retour-Kutsche |
sdedg | schön das es Dich gibt |
Sfh | Schluß für heute |
SHR | Süßholzraspler |
SKWmDBb | Spinnen, Kröten Würmer mögen Dein Bett besiedeln |
smd | sei meine Diät |
SminAK | Schau mir in die Augen Kleines |
smn | schlag mich nicht |
SmPb | Sei mein Punchingball |
snn | sag niemals nie |
SP | Sendepause |
TD | Trau Dich |
tf | total fies |
tnDP | traue nie Deinem PC |
TT | Tussi Terminator |
uU | unter Umständen |
uwwi | und was weiss ich |
vaT | völlig anderes Thema |
WasA | Warte auf schnelle Antwort |
wbigb | warte bis ich groß bin |
WC | wohl caum ;-) |
WE | Wochenende!!! |
wkisbs | wie konnte ich so blöd sein |
ww | wer weiß |
Y! | Typisch MANN! |
zbV | zum besonderen Vergnügen |
zK | zum Kotzen |
zlZ | zärtlich liebevolle Zuwendung |
ZuP | Zuckerbrot und Peitsche |
zZ | zur Zeit |
Abk. | Erklärung |
{8[=] | sender is a monster that will eats you ... |
:-O hbtu o-: | we all singin': Happy birthday to ... |
2d | to delete |
2d4 | to die for |
2g4u | to good for you |
4e | forever |
4uo | for you only |
4yeo | for your eyes only |
aak | asleep at keyboard |
adn | any day now |
afaik | as far as I know |
afk | away from the keyboard |
aisi | as I see it |
aiui | as I understand it |
aka | also known as |
asap | as soon as possible |
at | always tomorrow |
atw | at the weekend |
awgthtgtata | Are we going to have to go through all this again |
awhfy | Are we having fun yet? |
ayor | at your own risc |
b4 | before |
bbb | bye bye baby |
bb4e | bye bye for ever |
bbfallt | bye bye for a long long time |
bbfn | bye bye for now |
bbiab | be back in a bit |
bbl | be back later |
bcdhm | be careful, don't hurt me |
bcnu | be seein' you |
bh | blockhead |
bion | believe it or not |
bmhwb | be my hot-water bottle |
bmor | be mine or run |
bnscd | but now something completely different |
brb | be right back |
btobd | be there or be dead |
btw | by the way |
bukt(a) | but you knew that (already) |
cb | Ciao Bella/Bello |
cf | constant fury |
ciao | ital. bye bye |
cibm? | could it be magic? |
cm | call me |
cmiiw | correct me if I'm wrong |
cmm | change(d) my mind |
cnrbe | could never resist blue eyes |
cofr | cry out for revenge |
cpf | can pigs fly? |
cs | como siempre |
cu | see you |
cuial | see you in another live |
cul, cyl | see you later |
cum | change your mind |
cut | see you tomorrow |
dae | dreams are empty |
dak | dead at keyboard |
diik | damned if I know |
dk | don't know |
dlg | devilish little grin |
dlmbm | don't let me be misunterstood |
dluvm(t) | don't like you very much (today) |
dom | dirty old man |
dpwm | don't play with me |
dsh | desperately seeking help |
dtrt | do the right thing |
dur? | Do you remember? |
duswic | do you see what I see |
dwbh | don't worry be happy |
dwim | do what I mean |
dwimnwis | do what I mean, not what I say |
E2EG | ear to ear grin |
eod | end of discussion |
eol | end of lecture |
F2F | face to face |
FDROTFL | falling down, rolling on the floor laughing |
flch | feels like coming home |
fmm | fresh my mind |
FN | Feliz Navidad |
foac | fall over and cry |
FOTCL | falling off the chair laughing |
ftl | faster than light |
fud | fear, uncertainty and doubt |
fwiw | for what it's worth |
fya | for your amusement |
fye | for your entertainment |
fyi | for your information |
g | grin (usually typed <g>) |
ga | go ahead |
gaga | go amused, go amazed |
gf | good feelings |
gigo | garbage in, garbage out |
giwist | Grrr, I wish I'd said that |
glgh | good luck and good hunting |
gliw | got lost in web |
gok | God only knows |
gooml | get out of my life |
gowi | get on with it |
h2cus | hope to see you soon |
hak | hugs and kisses |
hand | have a nice day |
hant | have a nice time |
hf | have fun |
hhoj | Ha Ha only joking |
hih | hope it helps |
hsik | how should I know |
hth | hope that helps! |
huh | hate you, honey |
humm | hope you miss me |
hummb | hope you miss my beasties |
iaal | I am a lawyer |
iac | in any case |
ic | I see |
icocbw | I could of course be wrong |
idbi | I don't believe it |
idk | I don't know |
idts | I don't think so |
Igtp | I got the power |
iha | I H A T E Abbreviations |
iituwimiwhtku | if I tell you what it means, I will have to kill you |
iituwimwubmad | if I tell you what it means, will you buy me a drink? |
iitrt | it is the right time |
ihu | I hate you |
ilu | ??? (never used, we only need ihu) |
il2sus | I like to see you speechless |
imi | I mean it |
imho | in my humble opinion |
imnsho | in my not so humble opinion |
impov | in my point of view |
ianal | I am not a lawyer |
iow | in other words |
irl | in real life |
isbt | It's strange but true |
ishbab | I should have bought a book |
itsfwi | if the shoe fits, wear it |
iuswim | if you see what I mean |
iwbni | it would be nice if |
j4i | just for information |
j4f | just for fun |
jad | just another day |
jam | just a minute |
jas | just a second |
jas | just another story |
jaua | just another useless answer |
jj | just joking |
kc | keep cool |
khuf | Know how you feel |
kiss | keep it simple, stupid |
kms | killing me softly |
kwim? | Know what I mean? |
l8r | later |
lamacmc | look at me and see me crying |
lg | lovely greetings |
LL&P | Live long and in prosper |
lol | laughing out loud |
luta | let us talk again |
MC | Merry Christmas |
mcaahny | Merry Christmas and a happy new year |
mcibtu | my computer is better than yours |
mhdc(a) | my hard disk crashed (again) |
mg | many greetings |
mm | mail me |
MOMPLS | MOMent PLeaSe |
mp | my point! |
mu | miss you |
muuuhhh | miss you very much |
muvm | miss you very much |
mymb | miss your morning beasties |
n4e | never for ever |
na | no access |
nalopkt | not a lot of people know that |
nbbbha | non-blonde but blue haired angel |
nc | no comment |
nehw | no enjoyment, hard work |
nes | never ending story |
nino | no input, no output |
nn | nothing new |
no4c | not only for cows (see also: mu, ...) |
np | no problem |
nrn | no reply necessary |
nrp | no reply, please |
nsn | never say never |
nt | no trust |
ntdwbe | never trust devils ith blue eyes |
nth | no therapy helpful |
nu | need you |
nwo | no way out |
o4u | only for you |
oic | oh, I see |
onna | Oh no, not again |
onnta | Oh no, not this again |
oo | over and out |
oosoom | out of sight, out of mind |
otoh | on the other hand |
otw2h* | on the way to heaven |
otw2h^^ | on the way to hell |
pc | private chat |
piaS | play it again Sam |
pmigbom | put mind in gear before opening mouth |
pov | point of view |
pwduc's | people who don't use computers |
raebnc | read and enjoyed, but no comment |
rip | rest in peace |
rl | real life |
rlad | read, laugh and die |
rtdm | read the damned manual |
rtwfq | read the whole f**** question |
ruok | are you ok? |
sc | stay cool |
scnr | sorry, could not resist |
sitd | still in the dark |
slfn | so long for now |
snief | sender needs immediately example for ... |
snu | sender needs you |
sol | sooner or later / shit out (of) luck |
SSSL&P | Sleep sweet strong long and in prosper |
swht | sweet heart |
t+ | think positive |
tabyas | thinking all but you are stupid? |
taf | that's all folks |
tafn, ta4n | that's all for now |
tanj | there ain't no justice |
tcb | trouble came back |
tcs | take care sweetheart |
tfs | three finger salute (CTRL-ALT-DEL) |
tgif | thanks god its Friday |
tia | thanks in advance |
time | tears in my eyes |
tinwis | that is not what I said |
tld | the little devil |
tmg | tu me gusta |
tms | touch my soul |
touwg | turn off your wicked games |
toy | thinking of you |
tp | turn pale |
trdmc | tears running down my cheeks |
tsr | totally stupid rules |
tt | till tomorrow |
tttac | the times they are changing |
ttyl (ttul) | talk to you later |
tuvm | thank you very much |
twiu | that's what I understand |
uad | you are drunk |
uasv | you are so vain |
ubd | user brain damage |
udum | you don't understand me |
ugi | You got it |
ummc | you make me crazy |
unast | you need a special training |
uok? | are you ok? |
w4u | waiting for you |
waef | when all else fails |
WE! | WeekEnd! |
wisky | why I should kill you |
wk | who knows |
wmrs | write me real soon |
wsitu? | why shall I trust you? |
wt | without thinking |
wttm | without thinking too much |
wuwh | wish you were here |
y! | typically male |
yafiygi | you ask for it, you got it |
2bctnd | to be continued |
Abk. | Erklärung |
:-) | Your basic smilie. This smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix. |
;-) | Winky smilie. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark. More of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smilie. |
:-( | Frowning smilie. User did not like that last statement or is upset or depressed about something. |
:-I | Indifferent smilie. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as good as a happy smilie |
:-> | User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-). |
>:-> | User just made a really devilish remark. |
>;-> | Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made. |
das sind die Standart-Smilies... Hier noch ein paar Seltene: |
Abk. | Erklärung |
(-: | User is left handed |
%-) | User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight |
:*) | User is drunk |
[:] | User is a robot |
8-) | User is wearing sunglasses |
B:-) | Sunglasses on head |
::-) | User wears normal glasses |
B-) | User wears horn-rimmed glasses |
8:-) | User is a little girl |
:-)-8 | User is a Big girl |
:-{) | User has a mustache |
:-{} | User wears lipstick |
{:-) | User wears a toupee |
}:-( | Toupee in an updraft |
:-[ | User is a Vampire |
:-E | Bucktoothed vampire |
:-F | Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing |
:-7 | User just made a wry statement |
:-* | User just ate something sour |
:-)~ | User drools |
:-~) | User has a cold |
:'-( | User is crying |
:'-) | User is so happy, s/he is crying |
:-# | User is screaming |
:-# | User wears braces |
:^) | User has a broken nose |
:v) | User has a broken nose, but it's the other way |
+<:-) | User is the pope (von ~F~) |