Der Kerker - Abkürzungen

Deutsche Abkürzungen

Abk. Erklärung
3n nie, niemals, nirgendwo  
adAadS aus den Augen aus dem Sinn  
aGa aus gegebenen Anlaß  
As Ansichtssache  
bb bye bye  
BbB Bis bald Baby  
bd bis dann  
BF Blödfrau  
bg bis gestern  
biepM bis in ein paar Monaten  
bhb bis hoffentlich bald  
bl bitte lächeln  
BM Blödmann  
bm bis morgen  
bs bis später  
buem bis übermorgen  
bwai bis wann auch immer  
bznFt bis zum nächsten  
DbeL Du bist ein Lügner  
DK Dummkopf  
dg dumm gelaufen  
Dn DU nervst  
dnf da nicht für  
eidU erwarte immer das Unmögliche  
F? Freunde ?  
FiB Flugzeuge im Bauch  
VV Viel Vergnügen  
FoF Freund oder Feind  
FW Frohe Weihnachten  
GB! Genau, Baby!  
giE ganz im Ernst  
gngn "geht nicht" gib's nicht  
GR Guten Rutsch  
GuK Gruß und Kuß  
gzT geh' zum Teufel!  
HaSh Hand auf Stirn haut (von mic am 2.6.02 erfunden :-)  
hd halte durch  
hddMa heul doch den Mond an  
iAmiDn im Augenblick mag ich  
dich noch  
Ibnb Ich bin nicht blöd!  
iha ich H A S S E Abkürzungen  
isDinL ich sehe Dich im  
nächsten Leben  
iim irren ist männlich  
iwbDgb ich warte bis Du groß bist  
jon jetzt oder nie  
kg komme gleich wieder  
kK kein Kommentar  
KK Krach und Kaos  
KoZ Kopf oder Zahl?  
kSf können Schweine fliegen  
kv kannste vergessen  
kw kann weg  
ldvH lies das verdammte Handbuch  
lG liebe Grüße  
lmiF laß mich in Frieden  
ltab lieber tot als blöd  
LZ Lebenszeichen  
mfG mit freundlichen Grüßen  
mWn meines Wissens nach  
nn nichts Neues  
PP persönliches Pech  
QG Quälgeist  
QK Quatschkopf  
rfdI reif für die Insel  
RK Retour-Kutsche  
sdedg schön das es Dich gibt  
Sfh Schluß für heute  
SHR Süßholzraspler  
SKWmDBb Spinnen, Kröten Würmer  
mögen Dein Bett besiedeln  
smd sei meine Diät  
SminAK Schau mir in die Augen Kleines  
smn schlag mich nicht  
SmPb Sei mein Punchingball  
snn sag niemals nie  
SP Sendepause  
TD Trau Dich  
tf total fies  
tnDP traue nie Deinem PC  
TT Tussi Terminator  
uU unter Umständen  
uwwi und was weiss ich  
vaT völlig anderes Thema  
WasA Warte auf schnelle Antwort  
wbigb warte bis ich groß bin  
WC wohl caum ;-)  
WE Wochenende!!!  
wkisbs wie konnte ich so blöd sein  
ww wer weiß  
Y! Typisch MANN!  
zbV zum besonderen Vergnügen  
zK zum Kotzen  
zlZ zärtlich liebevolle Zuwendung  
ZuP Zuckerbrot und Peitsche  
zZ zur Zeit  

Internationale Abkürzungen

Abk.   Erklärung  
{8[=] sender is a monster  
that will eats you ...  
:-O hbtu o-: we all singin':  
Happy birthday to ...  
2d to delete  
2d4 to die for  
2g4u to good for you  
4e forever  
4uo for you only  
4yeo for your eyes only  
aak asleep at keyboard  
adn any day now  
afaik as far as I know  
afk away from the keyboard  
aisi as I see it  
aiui as I understand it  
aka also known as  
asap as soon as possible  
at always tomorrow  
atw at the weekend  
awgthtgtata Are we going to have  
to go through all this again  
awhfy Are we having fun yet?  
ayor at your own risc  
b4 before  
bbb bye bye baby  
bb4e bye bye for ever  
bbfallt bye bye for a long long time  
bbfn bye bye for now  
bbiab be back in a bit  
bbl be back later  
bcdhm be careful, don't hurt me  
bcnu be seein' you  
bh blockhead  
bion believe it or not  
bmhwb be my hot-water bottle  
bmor be mine or run  
bnscd but now something  
completely different  
brb be right back  
btobd be there or be dead  
btw by the way  
bukt(a) but you knew that (already)  
cb Ciao Bella/Bello  
cf constant fury  
ciao ital. bye bye  
cibm? could it be magic?  
cm call me  
cmiiw correct me if I'm wrong  
cmm change(d) my mind  
cnrbe could never resist blue eyes  
cofr cry out for revenge  
cpf can pigs fly?  
cs como siempre  
cu see you  
cuial see you in another live  
cul, cyl see you later  
cum change your mind  
cut see you tomorrow  
dae dreams are empty  
dak dead at keyboard  
diik damned if I know  
dk don't know  
dlg devilish little grin  
dlmbm don't let me be misunterstood  
dluvm(t) don't like you very much (today)  
dom dirty old man  
dpwm don't play with me  
dsh desperately seeking help  
dtrt do the right thing  
dur? Do you remember?  
duswic do you see what I see  
dwbh don't worry be happy  
dwim do what I mean  
dwimnwis do what I mean, not what I say  
E2EG ear to ear grin  
eod end of discussion  
eol end of lecture  
F2F face to face  
FDROTFL falling down,  
rolling on the floor laughing  
flch feels like coming home  
fmm fresh my mind  
FN Feliz Navidad  
foac fall over and cry  
FOTCL falling off the chair laughing  
ftl faster than light  
fud fear, uncertainty and doubt  
fwiw for what it's worth  
fya for your amusement  
fye for your entertainment  
fyi for your information  
g grin (usually typed <g>)  
ga go ahead  
gaga go amused, go amazed  
gf good feelings  
gigo garbage in, garbage out  
giwist Grrr, I wish I'd said that  
glgh good luck and good hunting  
gliw got lost in web  
gok God only knows  
gooml get out of my life  
gowi get on with it  
h2cus hope to see you soon  
hak hugs and kisses  
hand have a nice day  
hant have a nice time  
hf have fun  
hhoj Ha Ha only joking  
hih hope it helps  
hsik how should I know  
hth hope that helps!  
huh hate you, honey  
humm hope you miss me  
hummb hope you miss my beasties  
iaal I am a lawyer  
iac in any case  
ic I see  
icocbw I could of course be wrong  
idbi I don't believe it  
idk I don't know  
idts I don't think so  
Igtp I got the power  
iha I H A T E Abbreviations  
iituwimiwhtku if I tell you what it means,  
I will have to kill you  
iituwimwubmad if I tell you what it means,  
will you buy me a drink?  
iitrt it is the right time  
ihu I hate you  
ilu ???  
(never used, we only need ihu)  
il2sus I like to see you speechless  
imi I mean it  
imho in my humble opinion  
imnsho in my not so humble opinion  
impov in my point of view  
ianal I am not a lawyer  
iow in other words  
irl in real life  
isbt It's strange but true  
ishbab I should have bought a book  
itsfwi if the shoe fits, wear it  
iuswim if you see what I mean  
iwbni it would be nice if  
j4i just for information  
j4f just for fun  
jad just another day  
jam just a minute  
jas just a second  
jas just another story  
jaua just another useless answer  
jj just joking  
kc keep cool  
khuf Know how you feel  
kiss keep it simple, stupid  
kms killing me softly  
kwim? Know what I mean?  
l8r later  
lamacmc look at me and see me crying  
lg lovely greetings  
LL&P Live long and in prosper  
lol laughing out loud  
luta let us talk again  
MC Merry Christmas  
mcaahny Merry Christmas  
and a happy new year  
mcibtu my computer is better  
than yours  
mhdc(a) my hard disk crashed (again)  
mg many greetings  
mm mail me  
mp my point!  
mu miss you  
muuuhhh miss you very much  
muvm miss you very much  
mymb miss your morning beasties  
n4e never for ever  
na no access  
nalopkt not a lot of people know that  
nbbbha non-blonde  
but blue haired angel  
nc no comment  
nehw no enjoyment, hard work  
nes never ending story  
nino no input, no output  
nn nothing new  
no4c not only for cows  
(see also: mu, ...)  
np no problem  
nrn no reply necessary  
nrp no reply, please  
nsn never say never  
nt no trust  
ntdwbe never trust devils  
ith blue eyes  
nth no therapy helpful  
nu need you  
nwo no way out  
o4u only for you  
oic oh, I see  
onna Oh no, not again  
onnta Oh no, not this again  
oo over and out  
oosoom out of sight, out of mind  
otoh on the other hand  
otw2h* on the way to heaven  
otw2h^^ on the way to hell  
pc private chat  
piaS play it again Sam  
pmigbom put mind in gear  
before opening mouth  
pov point of view  
pwduc's people who  
don't use computers  
raebnc read and enjoyed,  
but no comment  
rip rest in peace  
rl real life  
rlad read, laugh and die  
rtdm read the damned manual  
rtwfq read the whole f**** question  
ruok are you ok?  
sc stay cool  
scnr sorry, could not resist  
sitd still in the dark  
slfn so long for now  
snief sender needs immediately  
example for ...  
snu sender needs you  
sol sooner or later  
/ shit out (of) luck  
SSSL&P Sleep sweet strong long  
and in prosper  
swht sweet heart  
t+ think positive  
tabyas thinking all  
but you are stupid?  
taf that's all folks  
tafn, ta4n that's all for now  
tanj there ain't no justice  
tcb trouble came back  
tcs take care sweetheart  
tfs three finger salute  
tgif thanks god its Friday  
tia thanks in advance  
time tears in my eyes  
tinwis that is not what I said  
tld the little devil  
tmg tu me gusta  
tms touch my soul  
touwg turn off your wicked games  
toy thinking of you  
tp turn pale  
trdmc tears running down my cheeks  
tsr totally stupid rules  
tt till tomorrow  
tttac the times they are changing  
ttyl (ttul) talk to you later  
tuvm thank you very much  
twiu that's what I understand  
uad you are drunk  
uasv you are so vain  
ubd user brain damage  
udum you don't understand me  
ugi You got it  
ummc you make me crazy  
unast you need a special training  
uok? are you ok?  
w4u waiting for you  
waef when all else fails  
WE! WeekEnd!  
wisky why I should kill you  
wk who knows  
wmrs write me real soon  
wsitu? why shall I trust you?  
wt without thinking  
wttm without thinking too much  
wuwh wish you were here  
y! typically male  
yafiygi you ask for it, you got it  
2bctnd to be continued  


Abk.   Erklärung  
:-) Your basic smilie. This smilie is used to inflect a sarcastic or  
joking statement since we can't hear voice inflection over Unix.  
;-) Winky smilie. User just made a flirtatious and/or sarcastic remark.  
More of a "don't hit me for what I just said" smilie.  
:-( Frowning smilie. User did not like that last statement or is upset  
or depressed about something.  
:-I Indifferent smilie. Better than a Frowning smilie but not quite as  
good as a happy smilie  
:-> User just made a really biting sarcastic remark. Worse than a :-).  
>:-> User just made a really devilish remark.  
>;-> Winky and devil combined. A very lewd remark was just made.  

  das sind die Standart-Smilies...  
Hier noch ein paar Seltene:  

Abk.   Erklärung  
(-: User is left handed  
%-) User has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight  
:*) User is drunk  
[:] User is a robot  
8-) User is wearing sunglasses  
B:-) Sunglasses on head  
::-) User wears normal glasses  
B-) User wears horn-rimmed glasses  
8:-) User is a little girl  
:-)-8 User is a Big girl  
:-{) User has a mustache  
:-{} User wears lipstick  
{:-) User wears a toupee  
}:-( Toupee in an updraft  
:-[ User is a Vampire  
:-E Bucktoothed vampire  
:-F Bucktoothed vampire with one tooth missing  
:-7 User just made a wry statement  
:-* User just ate something sour  
:-)~ User drools  
:-~) User has a cold  
:'-( User is crying  
:'-) User is so happy, s/he is crying  
:-# User is screaming  
:-# User wears braces  
:^) User has a broken nose  
:v) User has a broken nose, but it's the other way  
+<:-) User is the pope (von ~F~)

©mic 9.5.2002